Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel

Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel

Funeral home at 648 Watervliet Avenue, Dayton, OH 45420

Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel offers compassionate funeral and cremation services in the Dayton community. Contact us to plan now.

Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel contacts

Categories Funeral home

Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel rating

☆ ☆ ☆   (3 reviews)

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Working hours of
Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel

Open now.
Today: 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Sunday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Monday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Tuesday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wednesday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Friday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm

Vacancy Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel (jobs):

Coming soon


Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel photos

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Last reviews about Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel
in Dayton, OH

Please add your review. Your comments help to get feedback and an honest opinion about the Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel.
Thanks to the reviews, other people are able to learn of mistakes or read of the warmth and delight of your gratitude. Please keep your comments--whether praise or criticism--kind and appropriate. This is not the place to ask questions, or post contact information. Inappropriate language, off-topic or duplicate comments, names of individuals criticised, phone numbers, etc will be X'd out or removed, according to the moderator's notice and discretion. Thank you for your comments and participation!

  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    What an awful funeral home. My Mother's long-time friend was handled by these goons and all I can say, it was awful. The building is old, outdated and pathetic. But the worst part, they locked the keys in the hearse when it arrived at the cemetery. We all waited in the cold for over an hour while they retrieved the keys. Not a single apology, written or verbal. Shame on you Tobias!!!!!!

    Added April 27, 2017 by A Google User
  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Don't give these people your loved one's information. We contacted these people for pricing only, and when we got there for our appointment, they were in the process of trying to pick up my father. They lied and said someone had just left the building to pick him up, but when we contacted the hospital we were told that not only had Tobias arrived, but they had attempted to pick up the body, which the hospital luckily refused. We were offered no apology, instead one their representatives, Jeff, told us that we had consented to his body being picked up, when we were very clear that we were making an appointment to discuss price only. Avoid these people!

    Added October 01, 2016 by A Google User
  • They know their business. Great place for after viewing gathering. Next to Belmont catering. Now that is convenient.

    Added July 27, 2016 by Shirley Benoit
How would you rate Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel?

Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel website info

Website address:

Website title: Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel

Website description: Tobias Funeral Home - Belmont Chapel offers compassionate funeral and cremation services in the Dayton community. Contact us to plan now.